Today I want to tell about my little experience with MySQL (although you can use any other database here) in Go.
The way to work with the database from Go
I found a great way to work with the database from Go and can’t wait to share it.
In general, Go has several important things to do in order to make inquiries. For example, database/sql
A typical example looks like this:
And in order to map the query result into a structure, we will use
SQLX is a set of extensions on top of the database/sql
that allow you to make a minimal “ORM” in Go.
For example, we work with such a model
We have a simple database scheme
The connection to the database will look like this
SQLX bunch of methods
Sqlx has a bunch of methods, which start with a Must. MustExec, MustBegin. You have to use them with caution because they throw panic and your application can crash when you do not want it :)
CRUDs will look like this
That’s all. Just in case, the complete code: