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Definition of Microcontroller

What is a microcontroller in simple words

Microcontrollers are small computers on a single chip, also known as System-on-Chips (SoCs). They are designed to perform tasks like collecting and processing data, storing information, and following instructions with minimal power consumption and predictable operation execution time, making them ideal for battery-powered devices.

A basic microcontroller includes a main processor, memory for storing data and instructions, input/output tools for connecting with the external environment, and communication interfaces: 

  • The processor runs commands and manages other microcontroller parts while memory stores information.
  • Microcontrollers commonly have two separate memory banks:
    1. Program memory stores long-term instructions, like the "recipe" for the microcontroller's tasks. This is often Read-Only Memory (ROM), pre-programmed with the code that stays fixed for most devices.
    2. Data memory acts as temporary storage for data the microcontroller uses while performing its job, similar to RAM in your computer.
  • Interaction with the world around them is usually performed via common interfaces such as UART, I2C, SPI, etc. Each controller has its own set of interfaces implemented on-chip. Do you want to know more? Check the controller’s datasheet.

Types of microcontrollers

Here are some common architectures of microcontrollers:

  • ARM Microcontrollers

Based on ARM architecture, these microcontrollers are versatile and find applications in mobile devices, automotive systems, and industrial control. Various manufacturers can provide this type of controllers.

  • ARM Microcontrollers

Based on ARM architecture, these microcontrollers are versatile and find applications in mobile devices, automotive systems, and industrial control.

  • PIC Microcontrollers

PIC microcontrollers, manufactured by Microchip Technology, are widely used in home appliances, automotive systems, and medical devices.

Manufactured by Atmel Corporation, AVR microcontrollers are common in robotics, industrial control systems, and consumer electronics.

  • FPGA-based Microcontrollers

These microcontrollers utilize field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) and offer customizable processing capabilities for applications like digital signal processing and high-speed networking.

Some manufacturers usually provide various types of microcontrollers based on their register and data bus size:

  • 8-bit Microcontrollers

Basic and cost-effective, these microcontrollers are used in simple applications like toys and remote controls due to their limited processing power and memory capacity.

  • 16-bit Microcontrollers

More advanced than their 8-bit counterparts, these microcontrollers handle complex tasks and find applications in medical devices, automotive, and industrial control systems.

  • 32-bit Microcontrollers

The most powerful and adept at handling large data volumes and high-speed processing, they find use in gaming systems and industrial automation.

What is the difference between a microcontroller and a microprocessor?

While chip technology advances, the line between microcontrollers (MCUs) and microprocessors (MPUs) can seem blurry. However, key distinctions remain:

  • MCUs are task-oriented, working directly with sensors and actuators. Think of them as the brains of a specific device, like a coffee maker. MPUs prioritize raw processing power for general computing needs, as seen in desktop computers.
  • MCUs are self-contained, integrating memory and input/output (I/O) capabilities on a single chip. MPUs, on the other hand, rely on external components like RAM and storage for memory and connect to peripherals through internal buses.
  • MCUs are generally less expensive and use less power due to their simpler design.

In general, MPUs are powerful engines, while MCUs are efficient controllers, each optimized for its specific role in the electronic world.

Key Takeaways

  • Microcontrollers are tiny computers on chips designed to efficiently perform tasks like interpreting data and following instructions, making them perfect for battery-powered devices.
  • They consist of a main processor, memory for storing data and instructions, input/output tools, and communication interfaces. Program memory stores long-term instructions, while data memory acts as temporary storage.
  • Common types include 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit microcontrollers, each suited to different levels of task complexity. ARM, PIC, and AVR microcontrollers are popular variants, each with its own set of applications.
  • Microcontrollers differ from microprocessors in their task-oriented design, memory, and I/O capabilities integration, and lower cost and power consumption.


  • Read the controller's datasheet before using it. This is your first source of truth when using some hardware parts. It contains all the information about the microcontroller's internal structure.
  • If something works wrong — find an errata sheet for the microcontroller. Perhaps the manufacturer made some error in circuit design and found it after the microcontroller was manufactured. It happens more often than you expect.
  • Try debugging the microcontroller firmware using simple LED and Morse code. This is a good first task for a beginner in embedded programming.
  • Using a cheap oscilloscope with a logical analyzer is a good idea. It will help you see what is going on between the microcontroller and other hardware elements.
  • Use controller’s development boards