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Definition of Firewall as a service (FWaaS)

What is firewall as a service (FWaaS)?

Firewall as a Service, or FWaaS, takes the advanced security capabilities of a next-generation firewall (NGFW) and delivers them from the cloud, eliminating the need for physical hardware. This shift to a cloud-based model empowers organizations to securely connect remote users and branch offices to their corporate network, regardless of where applications reside (on-premises or in the cloud).

What is the difference between a firewall and firewall as a service?

Here's the key difference:

Traditional firewall: This is a hardware appliance or software program installed on-site at your company's location. You're responsible for buying, maintaining, and updating it.

FWaaS: This is a cloud-delivered service. The security provider manages the firewall infrastructure and software updates, freeing up your IT resources.

How does firewall as a service work?

As a scalable cloud service, FWaaS delivers advanced security features, including a full Layer 7 firewall. This means your security can easily adapt to changing needs, handling tasks like SSL inspection, increased bandwidth demands, and long-lived cloud application connections.

It provides a single point of control for managing your entire network security. You can define and enforce consistent security policies from a centralized console for all users, regardless of their location or device.

FWaaS acts as a virtual barrier around your network, inspecting all incoming and outgoing traffic. It can:

  • Filter traffic: Allow or block traffic based on pre-defined security policies.
  • Deep packet inspection (DPI): Examine data packets in detail to identify and block malware.
  • Intrusion prevention system (IPS): Actively prevent cyberattacks in real-time.
  • Application control: Control access to specific applications or websites.

Why do companies need FWaaS?

Firewalls are essential for any organization's online defense, acting as a gatekeeper that inspects and filters incoming and outgoing traffic.

FWaaS offers a cloud-based solution that overcomes the limitations of traditional firewalls:

  • Flexible protection — It can secure remote users and cloud resources regardless of location.
  • Scalable security — seamlessly to meet your organization's growing needs, eliminating the need for constant hardware upgrades.

So, FWaaS empowers organizations to maintain a robust cybersecurity posture in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Key Takeaways

  • Firewall as a service (FWaaS) delivers advanced security features of a next-generation firewall (NGFW) from the cloud, eliminating the need for physical hardware and enabling secure connections from anywhere.
  • Traditional firewall: Hardware or software installed on-site, requiring management and updates by the organization. FWaaS: Cloud-delivered service managed by the provider, offering scalability and freeing up IT resources.
  • FWaaS provides Layer 7 firewall capabilities, adaptable security features, and centralized policy management for consistent protection across locations and devices.
  • FWaaS is essential for companies for robust cybersecurity by filtering traffic, inspecting data packets, preventing intrusions, and controlling application access in real-time.

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