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Definition of Behavior-driven development

What is behavior-driven development (BDD)?

Behavior-driven development (BDD) is a software development methodology that augments Test-driven development (TDD) by emphasizing collaboration between developers, testers, and business stakeholders. Teams focus on designing applications around a behavior a user expects to have when using it. The goal of BDD is to improve communication and clarity by using simple, natural language to describe these behaviors. The descriptions are often written in Given-When-Then format and created before any code is written to serve as the basis for automated tests. BDD helps align development efforts with business goals by focusing on user behavior and system interactions.

How does BDD work?

BDD works by fostering collaboration among developers, testers, and business stakeholders to define clear, testable requirements. The process begins with conversations to understand the desired system behavior, followed by writing scenarios in a structured format like Given-When-Then:

  1. Given (preconditions) there is a user with the username "apple91" and other log-in credentials,
  2. When (actions) they enter these credentials and click "log in,"
  3. Then (expected outcomes) they should enter the application

These scenarios are then used to create automated acceptance tests that guide development. Developers write the minimum code necessary to pass these tests to ensure that the software behaves as expected. Continuous feedback and iteration help refine the requirements and improve the software incrementally. This cycle of communication, scenario creation, and test-driven development helps ensure that the final product meets user needs and business objectives.

What are the expected benefits of using BDD?

The expected benefits of using BDD include improved communication among team members, better alignment with business goals, and higher-quality software. Through BDD, all stakeholders are involved in the requirement-gathering process to create a shared understanding of what the system should do. This collaborative approach reduces misunderstandings and helps identify potential issues early. Automated tests derived from BDD scenarios act as living documentation and regression tests, which help maintain software quality over time. Additionally, BDD's focus on user behavior and system interactions leads to more user-friendly and effective software solutions, which aligns with the business interests of development. Overall, BDD promotes a culture of continuous improvement and shared responsibility for delivering value.

How do you implement BDD into your processes?

As noted, BDD seeks to improve collaboration, so the first step in implementing BDD into your processes involves creating an environment that encourages collaboration and sharing. Start by encouraging open communication between developers, testers, and business stakeholders to understand and document requirements. An effective 3-step process looks like this:

  1. With a user story, involve stakeholders in a discussion of specific examples of a new feature you want to explore and agree on the details of your next steps
  2. Document these examples so that they can be automated (Given-When-Then)
  3. Use an automated test to guide code development and implement the examples

Training employees in BDD principles and practices can help streamline the process as can ongoing support to address any challenges. Regularly review and refine your BDD process to ensure it continues to meet the needs of your team and organization.

Key Takeaways

  • BDD focuses on the behaviors users expect from using applications
  • Collaboration of all stakeholders is an essential part of BDD
  • BDD uses Given-When-Then statements to express expected behaviors
  • Through effective communication and collaboration, BDD improves processes within teams and user experience

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