Software Project Handover: 6 Steps to Transfer Project to Another Team Painlessly

6 Steps to Transfer Software Project to Another Team Painlessly

 Transfer Project to Another Team

Learn how to transfer a software project

By planning and keeping these key steps in mind, teams can ensure a smooth transition of responsibility from documentation to code, which needs to fit together seamlessly for a successful handover.

Documentation order and review

Learn how to ensure your project documentation is current, organized, and accessible for a seamless handover.

Knowledge-transfer meetings

Discover the importance of effective knowledge transfer meetings and how to schedule them with clear agendas and objectives.

Codebase evaluation and clarity

Understand the significance of codebase clarity and explore steps to assess documentation, create visual representations, and utilize code comments.

Setup and environment

Explore the main points to document detailed setup instructions, share access securely, and establish a knowledge base for smooth environment transitions.

Testing for a seamless transition

Learn about the importance of comprehensive test cases, bug-reporting processes, and clean tests for project stability.

Post-handover support

Discover the key elements of post-handover support, including establishing mechanisms, scheduling follow-up meetings, and monitoring project performance.

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 Transfer Project to Another


How to Reduce Onboarding Costs by Using a Code Repository

How to Reduce Onboarding Costs by Using a Code Repository

Onboarding new developers into a project is a time-demanding and costly process, isn’t it? Just finding a proper specialist isn’t sufficient. We all know that every software development company has its own practices and uses its own tools. And those tools might be even in-house developed. Therefore, it doesn't matter how skilled and experienced your new team member is, they will need to learn a lot. Sometimes, it takes pretty much time for them to learn all about the project they start working on (to start coding new features, for example), about the company’s corporate culture, and the commonly accepted practices and processes. Needless to mention the extensive documentation, and similar. In most cases, you might not even be sure that your new team members can handle all the load of new information on their own. So, somebody more experienced is needed to help them, to guide them through the labyrinth of new information. This “somebody” is one of your more experienced developers, and they also will spend their time on onboarding procedures, guiding and coaching their new colleagues. It means more expenses. At Mad Devs, we aim to reduce onboarding costs. To do so, we provide new developers with extensive documentation, tests, and high-quality code. No, we don’t eliminate the need for coaching and guidance from more experienced team members. But the mentioned prerequisites allow us to ensure the reduction of the learning curve for new developers. Therefore, they can move to the actual work faster. Here are some of our practices that help us to make the onboarding process cheaper and faster.