Updated: August 9, 2024

Semi-Supervised Learning Explained: Techniques and Real-World Applications

Roman Panarin

Roman Panarin

ML Engineer

Semi-Supervised Learning Explained: Techniques and Real-World Applications

Artificial intelligence is just starting to resemble what science fiction writers described in their works. But this is already enough to open fundamentally new possibilities for us, which are now becoming an integral part of our life. And all these numerous possibilities are backed by various machine learning algorithms, which process data in different ways, depending on which models they were trained. 

Today we will dive into semi-supervised learning, how it works, what problems it solves, and what opportunities it provides. But let's remember the difference between supervised and unsupervised learning first.

All this is explained in detail in our article, enjoy a beneficial reading.

What is supervised learning?

Supervised learning is an approach in machine learning where the model is trained based on labeled data, where each input example corresponds to a known correct label. The model uses this to extract patterns and create connections between input data and their corresponding labels in order to learn how to predict them for new, unlabeled input data.

An analogy for supervised learning can be the process of teaching a child. When you teach a child certain skills or concepts, you provide examples and explanations of correct answers. The child generalizes these examples and applies them to new situations. For example, when teaching a child to read, you show them the correct pronunciation of letters and words and explain their correct use in a particular context. Then they apply this knowledge when reading new texts or writing their own.

How does supervised learning work?

In supervised learning, the data is initially divided into training and test sets. The training set is used to adjust the parameters of the model.

A few different algorithms enable the model to process that data, corresponding to the learning task.

Separately, internal parameters are optimized using algorithms such as gradient descent. It iteratively corrects the model's parameters to minimize the loss function, which measures the difference between the model's predictions and the actual values.

After training and optimization, the model is tested on a test data set, a set of examples that were not used in the learning process, and that serve to check the model's performance on new, previously unseen data. The model receives input data from the test set and makes predictions. These predictions are then compared with the actual labels from the test set. Performance metrics, such as accuracy for classification tasks or mean squared error for regression tasks, are then used to assess how well the model works.

Of course, these are just the main steps of training the models, and there are many other substeps in the field. But it shows the sense of this approach, where the model gets its possibilities by having correct examples in advance.

📖 There are also various machine learning paradigms, one of which is contrastive learning – you can read about in our article "The Power of Contrastive Learning: From Theory to Real-World Applications"

Advantages and limitations of supervised learning

The advantages of this approach seem obvious, but like any approach, it also has disadvantages. Let's look at both.



What is unsupervised learning?

Unsupervised learning is an approach in machine learning where the model analyzes unlabeled data without explicit correct labels and identifies internal patterns, clusters, or hidden factors that may be present in the data. The goal is to understand the data and determine their structure and relationships between objects and features. It is helpful for further data analysis, decision-making, and supporting other tasks, including supervised learning, based on the discovered patterns and data structures.

Imagine a child in a new environment where everyone speaks a language unfamiliar to them, with no teacher or a dictionary available at the moment. So, they must observe and listen, trying to independently establish connections and understand the rules of this new language.

Initially, the child may pay attention to the tonality and emotion of the voice — perhaps some phrases are pronounced with great excitement, others with pleasure, and some with sadness. After building these initial associations, the child notices the contexts in which these words and phrases are typically used. They begin to understand that certain words and phrases are used only in specific situations or by certain people. This helps to complete their understanding.

How does unsupervised learning work?

In unsupervised learning, the data is usually not divided into training and test sets as explicitly as in supervised learning, as there are no labels for comparison. However, a portion of the data can be set aside for subsequent quality of learning checks.

After applying one or multiple methods, the set-aside data or new data can be used to check the quality of learning. In clustering, you can check the stability of clusters or use metrics such as the silhouette coefficient to assess the clustering quality.

These were the main training steps, and actually, there are much more of them. But it also shows the sense of this approach, where the models get their possibilities by having unlabeled data, finding the relationships there themselves and often the ones that humans can not find manually.

What are the advantages and limitations of unsupervised learning?

This approach allows you to train a model on unlabeled data and offers many obvious advantages but has limitations. Let's look at them.



In conclusion, unsupervised learning is a powerful tool for data analysis, instrumental when working with large data sets where labeling may be impractical or costly.

Semi-supervised learning explained

Semi-supervised learning is a machine learning technique that uses a combination of supervised and unsupervised learning by applying labeled and unlabeled data to train a model.

Labeled data provides the model with explicit examples of what input data corresponds to which labels, allowing the model to learn to predict it for new data. Unlabeled data is then used to refine and improve this model, helping it better understand its overall structure and distribution, which can lead to more accurate and generalized predictions when dealing with new, unlabeled data. In particular, unlabeled data can be used to improve the model's generalization ability, refine decision boundaries in classification tasks, and utilize structural information contained in the data. This is very useful when there is little labeled data but a lot of unlabeled data.

How does semi-supervised learning work?

Semi-supervised learning is now the subject of active research and experimentation. It has several strands within it. Here are the main ones.

Semi-supervised learning advantages

Even though semi-supervised training is still undergoing active development and is changing rapidly, it already solves many problems and has advantages over supervised and unsupervised training.

Semi-supervised learning limitations

Even though semi-supervised training combines the best advantages of previous approaches and solves many of the problems inherent in them, it also has its limitations.

When to use semi-supervised learning

All of the above advantages give many reasons to use semi-supervised learning, where supervised learning is not very profitable, and unsupervised training is not possible.

When not to use semi-supervised learning

There is no such thing as a silver bullet, so even training with semi-supervised learning can be more or less successful to use.

Semi-supervised learning applications

Now let's outline the main opportunities offered by this method of teaching. Some of them were created by supervised and unsupervised learning and greatly improved by semi-supervised learning, while others were unlocked specifically by semi-supervised learning.

Semi-supervised learning examples

Those companies that implement machine learning in their processes are way ahead of their competitors. And those using advanced machine learning methods are moving even further ahead. Let's look at use cases in the context of primary industries and large companies.


Companies like Google use semi-supervised learning for anomaly detection in network traffic. While using large volumes of data about normal network traffic, machine learning models are trained to recognize common patterns. They then use this knowledge to detect deviations that may indicate potential security threats. Besides anomaly detection in network traffic, it is useful for malware detection, user behavior analysis to detect suspicious activity, and even for detecting physical threats such as unauthorized access to secured areas.


Companies like PayPal use it for fraud detection in financial transactions. Machine learning models are trained based on a large number of transactions to recognize repetitive patterns and identify deviations that may indicate fraudulent actions. Moreover, semi-supervised learning can help predict company bankruptcies, market trend analysis for optimizing investment strategies, and even automate the creditworthiness assessment process of clients.

Medical diagnostics

Companies like Zebra Medical Vision use semi-supervised learning for symptom detection in medical diagnostics. Models are trained based on a large amount of medical data to recognize typical patterns and identify deviations that may indicate the presence of a disease. Besides symptom detection, semi-supervised learning can be used for disease progression prediction, medical image analysis for pathology detection, and even for creating personalized treatment plans based on the analysis of multiple sets of medical data.


Companies like Google DeepMind use it for protein structure prediction. Models are trained based on data about protein structures to recognize typical patterns and indicate the presence of a disease. Also, it can help in genomic data analysis for disease genetic marker detection, protein interaction prediction, and even in creating species evolution models based on genetic data analysis.


Companies like Boston Dynamics use it for robot navigation training. Models are trained based on data about movement and environmental interaction to recognize typical patterns and adapt to changing conditions. Besides navigation training, it's good for training complex manipulations, such as assembling parts or performing surgical operations.


Companies like Chevron analyze geological data to detect potential mineral or oil deposits. Models trained based on this geological data can recognize typical patterns and may indicate the presence of valuable promises. Besides deposit search, it helps with seismic activity prediction, soil composition analysis for agriculture, and even for the creation of 3D underground structure models based on geophysical data.


The complexity and cost of training machine learning models today are significant barriers for many companies, so staying abreast of the latest training methods that reduce cost and increase training efficiency is critically important.

Now you better understand how supervised and unsupervised learning methods work, and comprehend the combination of them is semi-supervised learning. Each approach is incredibly good for different tasks, because of its advantages and limitations. Semi-supervised learning takes the best of both methods and solves many of their problems. However, it also has its limitations, which are actively being addressed in ongoing developments.

And if you need to implement or develop machine learning models for optimizing and automating your business or even creating an entire product, but you still have questions about which approach to choose and how to implement it most profitably — contact our experts for a free consultation. We will carefully review your case and offer you the most beneficial and effective solution.