Penetration testing

How to Determine if Penetration Testing is Needed for a Company

How to Determine if Penetration Testing is Needed for a Company

Learn how to avoid security issues

Security is paramount to the current and any potential assets. Through regular security tests, an organization invests not only in its secure present but also in its steady future.


Identify and address system vulnerabilities to effectively avoid potential risks associated with unauthorized access and cyberattacks.


Strengthen the resilience of network devices, servers, and applications to mitigate configuration vulnerabilities and reduce the susceptibility to various cyber threats.

Weak incident

Ensure your incident detection and response mechanisms provide a robust defense and enable you to circumvent challenges related to slow identification and potential threat response.

Business process

Evaluate the resilience of business logic to safeguard against disruptions, facilitate smooth operations, and avert potential interruptions in critical business processes.

Regulatory non-compliance

Verify system compliance with legal requirements and security standards to prevent regulatory pitfalls, ensure alignment with industry norms, and avoid potential compliance-related issues.

to social engineering

Simulate social engineering attacks to expose and address weaknesses in staff training and awareness, fortifying defenses against potential threats posed by social engineering tactics.

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How to Determine if Penetration Testing


Vulnerability assessment vs Penetration testing

Vulnerability Assessment vs. Penetration Testing

Cybercrime has evolved alongside the Internet. Likewise, modern security systems have been learning from past cyber-attacks to provide greater immunity against criminal activity. However, as security systems become more advanced, cybercriminals are adopting more sophisticated and malicious means of attack.Unfortunately, the detection and subsequent prosecution rate of cybercrimes remains low, only 0.05 percent in the US as of 2020, with actual crime rates showing a 600% increase following the COVID-19 pandemic as more individuals and companies turn to digital services and routines.You’d be misleading yourself if you think only financial institutions need to worry about cyber threats. Data is the oil of the 21st century, and cybercriminals are no longer interested in stealing only funds since they can make more money from stealing and reselling company data or destroying it if their customer wants to damage a competitor. Having a Quality Assurance department is essential to protect yourself from these threats. They will ensure your systems are protected and working optimally.Given the various existing terms, choosing the best quality assurance practices can be challenging. It’s important to select the tools and strategies that will best address your needs and potential threats. Two approaches are central to cyber security: vulnerability assessment and penetration testing.